company data HOTEL MEETING
Company information
Name and company name: Hotel Meeting s.r.l.
registered office: Via Gabriele d’Annunzio 221, 47838 Riccione
telephone: 0541 642065
business register office: Rimini N ° 01511730408
share capital: 100,000.00 Euro
Tax code and VAT number: 01511730408
certified e-mail (PEC):
Register office where you are registered: Rimini
number of Economic and Administrative Index (Rea): 199512
balance sheet capital (joint stock company): /
possible liquidation following dissolution: /
possible status of a company with a single shareholder (Spa and single-member Srl):
company or entity to whose management and coordination the company is subject (Article 2497-bis of the Italian Civil Code): /